Today is the 31st of October and you will most definitely need protection from evil tonight, since it's a very popular evening for marauding Vampires, Witches and the like. But, did you know that most of the protection you need is right in your own garden? Yep. So without further introduction here is the Organic Halloween Safety List for 2011 (the last two aren't exactly in your garden or organic, but you want to be safe, right?):
- Eat lots of Garlic: It is well known that Vampires have an aversion to Garlic. Even in China and Malaysia Garlic has been used as Vampire repellent. You can also string it up over your doorways to prevent Vampires from entering your home.
- Carry a bag of Poppy Seeds: Vampires are compulsive counters, so if you suspect someone of being a Vampire, throw Poppy Seeds at them and hope they will be distracted long enough (they will have to start counting them, you see) for you to get away.
- Thorns of Wild Roses also repel Vampires. No one seems to know why this works, but it does.
- Make sure you have lots of Wolf Bane; It repels Werewolves. Not sure there is any other way to protect yourself from Werewolves.
- String Chili Peppers around your neck and around the entrance to your house as this will repel a wide variety of Monsters and Ghouls.
- Fennel is another plant useful for protection. Hang Fennel over your front door to prevent the entry of Witches.
- Now, if for some reason you do get a hex put on you, use Bay Laurel to break the spell. It's a good idea to keep some Bay around for this reason. Rosemary is a suitable substitute.
- Lavender and Oak will protect from the Evil Eye.
- The only actual protection from Zombies, apparently, is a chainsaw and an axe...I couldn't find any reliable Zombie or Ghoul repellent.
- Wear a cross, this seems to help with all sorts of evil from Vampires to Witches.
- Holy water provides good all-around protection from any unexpected Halloween situation. Keep a vial around your neck just to be safe.