Sunday, June 27, 2010

It' been one cool spring and summer's still a bit chilly here...a few days of sun since June arrived, but not many. I actually had to replant bean seeds as the soil temperature just wasn't warm enough. Had a tour at McGrath Family Farms in Camarillo a couple of weeks back and was told that this past winter and spring have been the coldest on record for Ventura County and as a result the crops are all 4-6 weeks behind schedule. It sure is true in my garden, cucumbers mere inches high, beans just starting to break through the soil. In fact I have one more Tomato seedling to put in the ground and it's nearly July! I just hope the weather warms enough to get a good harvest.
Speaking of harvest, I pulled up my Garlic yesterday and have it curing in the storage shed. According to Rodale's Encyclopedia or Organic Gardening, you should "cure" the freshly harvested Garlic in a hot, dry and airy place for 2-4 weeks and then braid it. Well, hot is going to be a challenge..let's hope the sun comes out soon..
Creative garlic curing...among tax records and canning jars

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